Research Area A

Reactivity and Activation of Molecules
Scheme of Research Area A CRC 1573


  Project  Project Leaders
A1 Activation and Stabilization of Small Molecules by Rare-Earth Compounds

Peter W. Roesky 

Tonya Vitova

A2 Gas Phase and Solution Studies of Bioinspired Lanthanide-based Alcohol Dehydrogenation Catalysts

Lena J. Daumann

Michael Seitz 

Patrick Weis 

A3 Lanthanide-Based Multimetallic Clusters: Impact of f-Elements on Formation, Structures, Electronic Properties and Reactivity 

Stefanie Dehnen 

Tonya Vitova

A4 Rare-Earth-Metal-Containing Reactive Nano-Objects 

Stefanie Dehnen 

Claus Feldmann 

A5 Sterically Shielded Single Metal Lanthanide Complexes Alexander Hinz
A6 Heterometallic Rare-Earth/Transition Metal Complexes for Catalytic Applications Schirin Hanf 


Research Area B

Magnetically Induced Quantum Information
Scheme of Research Area B CRC 1573


  Project  Project Leaders
B1 Exploring Magnetic Relaxation in Dinuclear 4f Compounds Using Theory and Experiment

Annie K. Powell

Karin Fink

B2 Engineering the Spin-Cascade in Radical-functionalized Lanthanide(III) bis- and tris-(phthalocyaninato) Complexes

Wulf Wulfhekel

Mario Ruben

B3 Nuclear Spin Control in Lanthanide Qudits 

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer

Mario Ruben

B4 Exploration of the Magnetic Properties and Exotic Behavior of 3d/4f Coordination Clusters

Annie K. Powell

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer


Research Area C

Next-Generation Spectroscopy and Quantum Optics
Scheme of Research Area C CRC 1573


  Project  Project Leaders
C1 Single Molecule Luminescence of Lanthanide Double and Multi-Decker Complexes

Manfred M. Kappes

Peter W. Roesky

Wulf Wulfhekel

C2 Optically Addressable Spins of Molecular Rare-Earth Ions for Quantum Information Processing 

David Hunger

Mario Ruben

Michael Seitz

C3 Fundamentals of Photoluminescent Lanthanide-Antenna Complexes

Manfred M. Kappes

Michael Seitz

C4 Lanthanide-based Fluorescence Phenomena in Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Nanoparticles

Claus Feldmann

Lena J. Daumann

David Hunger


Project Q

Quantum-Chemical Computations on Rare-Earth Compounds
Scheme of research project Q CRC 1573

The aim of the project is to collaboratively and synergistically tackle quantum-chemical tasks in research areas A, B, and C by tailor-made ab-initio quantum-chemical computations at various levels of theory (density-functional based as well as wavefunction based). Calculations of the molecular and electronic structures will accompany experimental studies throughout the CRC, which ultimately serves to optimize chemical synthesis, to clarify bonding situations and interactions, and to rationalize and predict spectroscopic findings in various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Bundling of quantum-chemical activities in a common project Q (“Querschnitt”) faciliates flexible assignments of new tasks arising during the runtime of the CRC. 
The objectives are as follows: ab-initio quantum-chemical methods focusing on rare-earth compounds shall be developed further, not only with respect to theoretical models and algorithms but also with respect to relativistic quantum-mechanical operators (e.g., spin–orbit effects, magnetic dipole–dipole interaction), basis sets, and relativistic effective core potentials. Bonding characteristics of rare-earth compounds shall be studied in particular with respect to the role of the 4f orbitals, and the optical properties of the compounds shall be investigated computationally. Applications of rare-earth ions with large inherent anisotropy in single-molecule magnetism shall be supported by high-level wavefunction-based computation and simulation.

  Project  Project Leaders
Q Quantum-Chemical Computations on Rare-Earth Compounds

Karin Fink

Willem M. Klopper 

Florian Weigend


Project G

Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)

Fostering junior scientists on all levels of their career development is a central aim for both the CRC “4f for Future” and KIT as an institution. An Integrated Research Training Group (project G) takes care of a structured education of the doctoral researchers, offering both specific scientific knowledge and the chance to join transferable skill courses. For more information please contact our IRTG manager Dr. des. Christian Ritschel (KIT). 

  Project Project Leaders
G Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) 

Peter W. Roesky 

Florian Weigend 



Project Z

Central Tasks of the CRC

The administration of the proposed CRC is localized within a central administrative project Z. For more information please contact the CRC manager Dr. Stefan F. Wagner (KIT).