Public outreach in TV & social media

Sophie Gutenthaler-Tietze, CRC doctoral researcher in Prof. Lena Daumann's group at HHU Düsseldorf, is very active in educational video clips on chemistry for the classroom, produced by German public broadcasting networks:
In this entertaining ARD "Planet Schule" video she talks about chemical processes involved in crime-solving, familiarizing pupils with redox reactions, dye chemistry or catalysts, and in a ZDF "Princess of Science" feature she explains (starting at 19:30 min.) the role of rare-earth metals in modern technology. (Both clips are available only in German.)
Together with her CRC colleague Ioana Ciubotaru at LMU München, also a doctoral researcher with Prof. Daumann, she belongs to the organization team for "Soapbox Science", an annual Munich-based public science communication event that brings cutting-edge science to the public in a fun and un-intimidating way.